All services are delivered by the legal entity Eskelund Consulting Services AS, organization number 927 118 629. Eskelund Consulting Services is fully owned by AIAOA Invest AS, organization number 925 551 783. All shares in AIAOA Invest AS are owned by Karsten Eskelund. Both companies are legally registered in Norway, with the business address Løkkegangen 6 0251 OSLO.
Besides sounding like a cool Hawaiian or Japanese name, which we like, AIAOA means Anna, Ingrid, Agnes, Ola, Aurora, which are the names of the nieces and nephew of the founder of the company. As it is important for us to contribute to the future of society, we like the company to have a name that connects it to the next generation. Part of the profit generated by AIAOA Invest AS shall be given back to different organizations working towards a better society. How this will be done will be decided by the owner and a supervisor board.